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@database ColorSaver.guide
@author "Dan Fish"
@(c) "Copyright
1994 Dan Fish"
@$VER: ColorSaver.guide 1.18 (11/31/94)
@font topaz.font 8
@node MAIN "Colorsaver Info"
@{bg highlight} + ColorSaver + @{bg back}
ColorSaver is a general purpose color palette tool designed to be available
at any time through the use of a hotkey. It contains @{" Features " link
FEATURES} not generally
found in other palette tools
@{" Disclaimer " link DISCLAIMER } @{" Distribution " link DISTRIBUTION } @{" Acknowledgements " link ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}
@{" Installing " link INSTALLATION } @{" Quick Test " link QUICKTEST } @{" Tool-Types " link TOOLTYPES }
@{" Gadgets " link GADGETS } @{" ARexx Commands " link AREXX } @{" Patching Binaries " link PATCHING }
@{" Author " link AUTHOR } @{" History " link HISTORY } @{" Bugs " link BUGS }
@node FEATURES "ColorSaver Features"
@prev MAIN
ColorSaver has the following features:
* Implemented as a Commodity, Popup w/Hotkey
* Load/Save color palettes
* Sliders selectable between RGB/HSV
* Copy, Swap, Range, Complement Functions
* Left/right shifting of the entire palette
* Ability to permanently alter (patch) the color tables of executables
with a statically allocated color table.
* "Remembers" load/save file path's through the life of the program
* "Remembers" screen position it was last popped up to
* Runs from CLI or WorkBench
* ARexx Port with 15 commands
* PostCardWare, Includes source
* Tested with Enforcer
See Also: @{" Mis-Features " link BUGS} @{" ToDo " LINK TODO}
@node DISCLAIMER "Disclaimer"
@{bg highlight} + WARNING!!!!! + @{bg back}
*ANY* Program that directly patches executables is inherently dangerous!!
(especially those that do so without making a temporary backup until the
write completes, such as this one!!). It is STRONGLY advised that when
using the "WRITE" function, you do so ONLY on a backup (better yet, a backup
of your backup!). The end-user accepts any and all liability for results
obtained through the use or misuse of this program, be it direct, indirect,
consequential or incidental.
@node INSTALLATION "Installing ColorSaver"
Not much to it... If you always want ColorSaver available, drag its icon
into the SYS:WBStartup drawer (Might want to set the CX_POPUP=NO tooltype)
Also, if you want to save all your color palettes in the same location,
then do one of the following:
1. Set the "PATH=" ToolType (I.E. PATH=SYS:Prefs/Colormaps)
2. Set an environment variable for CS_PALETTES
(I.E. SetEnv CS_PALETTES SYS:Prefs/Colormaps)
(Otherwise ColorSaver will default to "SYS:Prefs" for load/save operations)
Every programmer likes to know that @{fg highlight}Somebody@{fg text} at least @{fg highlight}Somewhere@{fg text}
uses their program... (plus they're also curious about how far from home
the thing has gotten). This program is @{b}PostCardWare.@{ub}
If you use it, all I ask is that you let @{" me " link AUTHOR} know, by
postcard or by Email
@node TOOLTYPES "ColorSaver ToolTypes"
ColorSaver has the following command-line/tooltype template:
CX_PRIORITY Sets ColorSaver's priority in the commodities queue.
@{b}Default : 0 @{ub}
CX_POPUP When you specify "CX_POPUP=NO" window will not be
opened when you initially start ColorSaver
@{b}Default : YES @{ub}
CX_POPKEY Specifies the "HotKey" to Popup the ColorSaver window.
@{b}Default : lalt ralt c @{ub}
CX_QUIT Specifies the "HotKey" to terminate ColorSaver
@{b}Default : lalt ralt q @{ub}
SELECT Specifies the active Palette color when ColorSaver
is started
@{b}Default : 0 @{ub}
PATH Specify the path for load/save operations
@{b}Default : SYS:Prefs/Presets @{ub}
POP_X Specify the popup X position
@{b}Default : 175 @{ub}
POP_Y Specify the popup Y position
@{b}Default : 50 @{ub}
HSV If specified, ColorSaver will open with sliders set to
HSV Mode.
@{b}Default : Sliders set to "RGB" mode @{ub}
Gadget Descriptions:
Most of ColorSaver should be fairly Intuitive (no pun intended!) but for
the sake of completeness, here's a description of the gadgetry.
@{" Load " LINK LOAD_GAD} @{" Save " LINK SAVE_GAD} @{" Write " LINK WRITE_GAD}
@{" Scan Binary " LINK SCAN_GAD} @{" Cycle " LINK CYCLE_GAD} @{" Copy " LINK COPY_GAD}
@{" Swap " LINK SWAP_GAD} @{" Range " LINK RANGE_GAD} @{"
@node LOAD_GAD "Loading colormaps..."
@{b}Load@{ub} Load a saved colormap. Load path/file is retained through
the life of the program. Load directory initially defaults
to the "PATH=" tooltype (if specified) or the environment
variable "CS_PALETTES" (if it exists) or "SYS:Prefs" if the
previous two are undefined. If the number of colors in the
file do not match the depth of the current screen, you will
be notified via requester and given a chance to "Cancel" or
"Load Anyway".
@{bg highlight} Keyboard ShortCut: @{bg back} Right-Amiga-L
@node SAVE_GAD "Saving colormaps..."
@{b}Save@{ub} Save the current screen colors to a file for subsequent
loading. Save path/file is the same as that specified for
LOAD. Always saves number of colors associated with depth
of the current screen.
@{bg highlight} Keyboard ShortCut: @{bg back} Right-Amiga-S
@node WRITE_GAD "Patching Binaries..."
@{b}Write@{ub} Patch a binary file. This gadget is disabled until a valid
file offset (or offsets) is found using the @{"Scan Binary" LINK SCAN_GAD}
function. A requester will appear to confirm the file name
and offset prior to the actual write. If this is performed
successfully, the color palette for the executable will be
permanently modified. See @{"Patching Binaries" LINK PATCHING}
@node SCAN_GAD "Scanning a binary for a color palette"
@{b}Scan Binary@{ub} Scan a file for a sequence of bytes corresponding to the
values of the Reset Palette. The Reset Palette is that which
exists at the time ColorSaver is first popped up, or after
selecting @{" DO " LINK DO_GAD}. See @{" Patching Binaries " LINK PATCHING}
@node CYCLE_GAD "Selecting a file offset..."
@{b}Cycle Gadget@{ub} Displays valid file offsets. This gadget is disabled until
a valid file offset (or offsets) is found using the @{"Scan Binary" LINK SCAN_GAD}
function. In the event more than one match is found, multiple
file offsets will be listed. The selected offset will be that
used for a @{" WRITE " LINK WRITE_GAD} operation. See @{" Patching Binaries " LINK PATCHING}
@node COPY_GAD "Copying palette colors..."
@{b}Copy@{ub} Copy the currently selected color to the color next selected on
the color palette.
@node SWAP_GAD "Swapping palette colors..."
@{b}Swap@{ub} Swaps the currently selected color with the color next selected
on the color palette.
@node RANGE_GAD "Spreading palette colors..."
@{b}Range@{ub} Spread the colors between the currently selected color and the
color next selected on the color palette. A least one inter-
vening color must exist between the two colors or this selec-
tion will have no effect.
@node SHIFTL_GAD "Shifting the entire palette left..."
@{ub} Shift the entire color palette left. (I.E. Color 1 becomes
color 0, color 2 becomes color 1, ...etc)
@node SHIFTR_GAD "Shifting the entire palette right..."
@{ub} Shift the entire color palette right. (I.E. Color 1 becomes
color 2, color 0 becomes color 1, ...etc)
@node COMP_GAD "Complementing the currently selected color..."
@{b}Complement@{ub} Complements the currently selected color.
@node RGBHSV_GAD "Changing palette slider functions..."
@{b}RGB/HSV@{ub} Change slider functions between RGB and HSV. This will be
"remembered" between subsequent ColorSaver "popup's".
@node INFO_GAD "Display program info..."
@{ub} Displays some info about the program.
@node CANCEL_GAD "Cancelling changes..."
@{b}Cancel@{ub} Cancels all color changes and restores palette in effect when
ColorSaver was popped up. Closes the ColorSaver window.
@{bg highlight} Keyboard ShortCut: @{bg back} Right-Amiga-C
@node UNDO_GAD "Undo'ing changes..."
@{b}UnDO@{ub} Exactly the same as @{" CANCEL " LINK CANCEL_GAD} except window is left open for
"further diddling".
@{bg highlight} Keyboard ShortCut: @{bg back} Right-Amiga-U
@node OKAY_GAD "Accepting changes..."
@{b}Okay@{ub} Accepts the current color settings and closes the ColorSaver
@{bg highlight} Keyboard ShortCut: @{bg back} Right-Amiga-O
@node DO_GAD "Implementing changes..."
@{b}Do@{ub} Exactly the same as @{" OKAY " LINK OKAY_GAD} except ColorSaver window is left
open. Used mainly to force the current palette into the reset
palette without having to close and re-open the window.
@node AREXX "ARexx Commands"
ARexx Commands:
The ARexx command set is still minimal, error checking is near nil, both should
improve with the next release. Some example scripts have been supplied that show
most of the trickier functions. If you come up with some really innovative
Arexx uses of ColorSaver, I'd be interested in hearing about them and will include
them in the next release (Along with credits of course;).
Note: All screen references refer to IntuitionBase->FirstScreen. At
present, there is no way to specify the screen name.
SHOW -- Popup the ColorSaver window
HIDE -- Hides the ColorSaver window
CANCEL -- Cancels any color changes since the window was popped up or
since a STOREPALETTE operation.
QUIT -- Kills ColorSaver
LOAD <Filename> -- Loads a palette. If "Filename" does not contain
a path, the path will default to that specified in an
environment variable or tooltype. See the @{" Load " LINK LOAD_GAD} gadget
Note: Unlike with the "Load" gadget, the ARexx version of
LOAD will give you no notification if the colors in
the file do not match the screen depth. It will
simply do a "Load Anyway".
SAVE <Filename> -- Saves the screen palette. Always saves the number
of colors associated with the depth of the screen. If "Filename"
does not contain a path, the path will default to that specified
in an environment variable or tooltype. See the @{" Save " LINK SAVE_GAD} gadget
STOREPALETTE -- Saves the current screen palette which is restored with
a CANCEL operation.
SHIFTL -- Shift the entire color palette left. (I.E. Color 1 becomes
color 0, color 2 becomes color 1, ...etc) See the @{"
SHIFTR -- Shift the entire color palette left. (I.E. Color 1 becomes
color 2, color 2 becomes color 3, ...etc) See the @{"
RGBMODE -- Set sliders to RGB mode. See @{" RGB/HSV " LINK RGBHSV_GAD}
HSVMODE -- Set sliders to HSV mode. See @{" RGB/HSV " LINK RGBHSV_GAD}
Note: at present there is no way to actually set specific HSV
values from ARexx. All values must be specified in
RGB using the SETRGB command. If HSVMODE is selected
however, and the ColorSaver window is open, the HSV
sliders will be set to the correct values.
NUMCOLORS -- Returns in the ARexx RESULT variable, the number of colors
(corresponding to the depth of) the screen.
SELECT <#> -- Selects color specified by <#> as the active color. Where:
<#> = 0 to "NUMCOLORS-1"
GETRGB -- Returns in the ARexx RESULT variable, 3 numbers specifying
the current R G B Values of the active color for the screen
SETRGB [C=#] [R=#] [G=#] [B=#] -- Set the RGB values for a specific color
register, where:
C = (Color) 0 to "NUMCOLORS-1"
R = (Red) 0 to 15
G = (Green) 0 to 15
B = (Blue) 0 to 15
Parameters not specified will retain their current values.
@node Author "WhoDunnit..."
Please send bug reports, suggestions, comments and/or PostCards to:
Dan Fish
815 E. Bethany #B135
Phoenix, AZ. 85014
Email: daf@daffy.amigalib.com (preferred)
daf@fishpond.amigalib.com (if above undeliverable)
@node PATCHING "Patching Binaries
Ever have this happen to you? You start this brand new program and say:
"Yeah, this is nice, but the person's choice of colors is really awful!"
Everybody has different tastes in colors, so what do you do? Well, if you're
lucky, the programmer was thoughtful enough to put in a palette for you to
change them with, and if you're *REAL* lucky he was even kind enough to allow
you to save them somewhere as the default! (I must at admit, many programs
are at least getting much better about including a palette tool.. :-)
So... no palette tool, Huh? Well, that's where ColorSaver can @{" sometimes " link SOMETIMES} give
you a hand... Just run your program, popup ColorSaver, Click on the "Scan
Binary" gadget and select the filename for your program. ColorSaver will
attempt to locate the "palette" inside the binary. If it finds one (or more)
it will let you know, and will activate the "Write" and "Offset" gadgets.
Now all you need to do is change the colors to your liking and click on
"Write". Poof! For ever-after when you run that program, it will have the
colors you selected.
As proof that this really does work, I've included a small "test" program
called "ColorTest". Simply run ColorTest, popup ColorSaver, use it to scan
ColorTest and it should come back with (1) color table match at offset 4196.
Change the colors to your liking, "Write" them, select Cancel or Okay from
ColorSaver, (Doesn't matter which, you've already written the colors) and
then exit ColorTest. Now when you run ColorTest again, it will have the
colors you selected.
Magic, Huh? Naw, not really. I've been doing the same thing for years with a
hex editor, ColorSaver just makes it much easier. Note that I said earlier
that "ColorSaver can @{" sometimes " link SOMETIMES} help..."
@node SOMETIMES "Well.... SOMETIMES it works!"
And now the bad news... this won't work with all programs...
Generally, the table must be statically allocated in the source. I.E.
something like:
UWORD colortable[] = { 0x000, 0xf44, 0x4f4, 0x44f };
When you run your program and pop up ColorSaver, it gets the current palette
and when you do a "Scan Binary" it looks for that sequence of bytes in the
file and will replace them with the colors you choose.
If a program uses individual calls to SetRGB4(), dynamic allocation, does
color cycling or other strange things, this won't work. I'd estimate I've
been able to sucessfully alter the palettes of somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2
the binaries I've tried it on.
It is possible that there could be more than one sequence of matching bytes
(particularly with 1 and 2 bitplane programs. If this is the case, then
(for now anyway) you'll have to "roll the dice" and write to one of the
A BACKUP OF A BACKUP OF THE PROGRAM!!! @{fg text} (hope you read the @{" Disclaimer " link DISCLAIMER})
If you then run your program and get a free trip to India, you'll know you
selected the wrong one! (Perserverance is the key here!).
Personally I've only run across this a couple of times, and I think they
were both 1 bitplane black & white screens.
Note that you are not really limited to scanning and writing to executables,
you can also scan binary data and/or configuration files. (or even the color
palettes saved by ColorSaver!)
@node HISTORY "ColorSaver History..."
31-Nov-94 Version 1.18
- ARexx improvements
- Added custom pointers
- Added Close/Hide Requester upon clicking the close gadget
25-Aug-94 Version 1.10
- Code getting rather large for one file, split into several
smaller files
- Converted/updated documentation to AmigaGuide format
18-Feb-94 Version 1.02
- Minor code changes not affecting operation
19-Sep-93 Version 1.0
(Very few bug reports/suggestions, so found my own...)
(Does anybody but me ACTUALLY use this thing??)
- Fixed irritation that caused "Complement" not to
work under OS3.0
- Cleaned up the source a bit.
- Added the following tooltypes:
SELECT -- Specify the active color on startup
PATH -- Specify the load/save file path
POP_X -- Specify the popup X position
POP_Y -- Specify the popup Y position
- Added rudimentary ARexx port
06-Jun-93 Version 0.86
- Bug Fixed, Called UnlockPubScreen() even though I
never called LockPubScreen()
- Bug Fixed, If "Load Anyway" selected when loading
colors of < depth of frontscreen, will now only
change the actual number of colors loaded.
05-Jan-93 Version 0.84
- Alpha Release (First Public Release)
* Many thanks to Jan van den Baard for his excellent "GadToolsBox"
which makes the task of writing programs such as this so much
easier, and for providing the well documented, structured source
for JBSpool (FF656). (Most of the commodity stuff for ColorSaver
was yanked out of JBSpool, and I hope he doesn't mind me including
his link library "dcbacks.lib", though I could find no limitations
to distribution in his documentation).
* Also many thanks to Matt Dillon and the folks at Obvious
Implementations Corp. for the excellent DICE environment.
* And of course, thanks to Fred, his library, and all the hundreds of
talented people who have submitted very high quality programs, with-
out which the Amiga might very well still be just "An Interesting
Curiosity" ....as was the Atari ST!
For those of you who hate long-winded documentation, (don't we all??) here's
some quick exercises to show off ColorSaver. (Note: Use LAlt-RAlt-C to
"popup" ColorSaver)
1. Double-Click on ColorSaver, select "Load", you should have a choice of
several palettes, Try loading a couple... You can also fiddle with the
colors, then save your own palette. (Probably have to save it somewhere
else, or write-enable the disk!)
2. When you get tired of that, you can try out ColorSaver's binary file
patching ability.
a.) Double-Click on "ColorTest" and note the colors (black & white with
a single red bar)
b.) Popup ColorSaver and adjust the colors until you like them.
c.) Select "Scan-Binary"
d.) Select "ColorTest" from the file requester.
e.) ColorSaver should respond that it found one Color Table match
(Cycle gadget should display offset of 4196)
f.) Select "Write" and confirm the requester (probably have to
write-enable the disk if you haven't copied all the files somewhere)
g.) Hide ColorSaver (select "Cancel")
h.) Exit ColorTest
Now run ColorTest again and note that the colors have been permanently
and forever changed to the ones you selected. (Or at least until you
run ColorSaver again!)
3. Try out the various supplied ARexx scripts.
@node BUGS "Notes (and other Bugs...;(
The following are known ...um, er, Peculiarities!
* Does not properly handle HAM palettes
* Loading "non-palette" files should not be fatal, but will result
in "bizarre" color schemes (that will likely include the pointer)
* Does not use LockPubScreen(), Had problems with this, instead
ColorSaver pops up on IntuitionBase->FirstScreen, thus you should
avoid closing a screen that you have ColorSaver popped up on.
(Close ColorSaver window FIRST!)
* Popping up the palette on some screens with unusual color settings
may render ColorSaver nearly (or totally) invisible.
* If something other than ColorSaver is responsible for changing the
colors of a screen, (I.E. another palette tool, system calls, etc.),
the sliders will become "out of sync" with the current screen colors,
Clicking on a slider will cause that color to "jump back" to what
ColorSaver thinks it should be. You can avoid this effect by making
a palette selection. This will cause ColorSaver to reset the
sliders to the CURRENT screen colors. (This effect is probably
normal for all palette tools).
@node TODO "Future plans..."
Some possible enhancements:
* Localization of the Gadgetry
* Enhance ARexx command set, better error checking
* Screen selection by name
* Recognize/Load/Save SYS:Prefs/Presets type palettes
* Better handling of palettes with a large number of colors,
(I.E. With 128-256 colors, you currently need a magnifying
glass to select the proper color...;)